2015. április 20., hétfő

I really thought they would do it again

Dark Souls fan art of hybridized enemies

Meanwhile in The Netherlands

Can't see= blind, can't hear = deaf, can't smell = ?

Ignoring the main storyline to do sidequests in a game

The golden record! It's flying through space in hope of being found by aliens to reveal our existance

People talking about where they cried - this is where I cried

When your salad is way too funny...

It's really annoying sometimes. Anyone else?

When I try to carefully take the stairs after Leg Day at the gym.

So what's the truth, young lady?!

We salute you, sir!

It is how they build corridor on the side of the cliffs in China. Any German engineer to approve this?

What. the. f**k.

My life in a gif

My dream home

Gluten: The Facts and the Fad - Maki Naro

90' kids will understand it

My brain hurts

Classic Rick Grimes.

I just realised this...

All work no play makes Jack a dull doge

Father of 2 sitting behind this car just wondering why I didn't wrap it.

No.. no.. shhh.. shhh.. you're okay...

Which side are you on?

When "POOP" steps while watching Porn at max. volume and u just realise parents are about to come

My life right meow...

Say no more

Stop making this stupid excuse!

Accurate representation of the last 4 years of my academic life

Looks like Chewbacca had a bit of work done on himself

So this is on a wall at my geography classroom

Come for the feels, stay for the plot twist!

I thought he was just being friendly... then all of a sudden.

I might start avoiding planes soon

Hold up...

Why this fight shouldn't even happen

Zelda fans?

Y m I only one wondering this?

From Dicaprio to 9gag

OMG pleeeeaseeeeeee

I find these two phrases fitting, specially given the "false god" description of superman.

Do it fast. Real Fast and see the magic!

I really don't get it

I'm the only one here?

Show me the rainbow bridge!

"We ain't found sh*t!"

Games and consoles should be played for fun. And one is not better when it has better graphics or smoother gameplay.