2014. október 31., péntek

Sniff sniff

We've known each other for ten years, my best friend and now my soul mate

As I was saying goodbye, my dog did this..

Am I the only on feeling this way while hearing epic songs

As a freethinker, I know his feels

I edited a little

Truth has been spoken

Two Years.

Wondering about this.

How I memorize flags of other countries...

We the people.

There is too many inappropriate thing in this picture

Parents are always disappointed...

Amazing shot

The happiest little hedgehog

Beach in Russia

Yeah, no thanks.

Good old german beer

I can't be the only one?

The truth behind Frozen

The Hamster Thief

This word is seriously getting on my nerves.

Wtf did I just read...

Worst. Criminal. Ever.

When your puppy looks better in clothes than you do...


She spent 7 years crushing her ribs so that she could look like Jessica Rabbit


League players will know

Trying to sleep

Beautiful twins, am I right?

Magic malleable drill bits: made of Chineseium

Devilish little bastards!

Bluescreen of Death

Witty retorts

Let that sink in.

Narnia, best movie ever

Seriously, let's not go overboard here.

U don't know how poor I am.

One of the greatest gifs ever

Victory is ours! Thank you!

Think of all the money I could have saved.

Hoping someone can relate

Waiting for someone to fall in love with me

Mum is in week 8 of chemo this is her Halloween costume

Lets play haha

This is why I love dogs

What a uuhh talent ?

Halloween Steam Sales! All Hail Lord Gaben

I'd really do everything for her