2014. szeptember 30., kedd

The struggle is real.

So like... The Nicki Minaj of ants?

The difference between childhood and adulthood

Oh Castiel...

Just a bird and his tennis ball

The true master of disguise.

Even Geniuses Don't Know These 21 Awesome Science Facts. #11 Is Just NUTS

All of my friends think I'm a loser

Jordan - where Mosques and churches are both side by side. In your face haters.

Take that, Luigi!

Where people got their surnames from?

A University's Engineering Lab

I would do this

Best Disguises Ever!

Denmark in a nutshell..

That's one fierce looking helm

When all of my friends are in a relationship, and I'm the only one who's still single...

Never too early...


When I'm tripping balls and I finally find a chair to sit on

Oh, Fu** this name!

This sounds promising

Made me laugh

Baby going through tunnel

True love it is!

Fair point...

Scary... I don't but things with money...

These 19 Substances Are The Most Expensive Things In The World.

Some say...


Annoyed Giraffe

Have some spaghetti

My dad said this in the car. It's kinda true.

Unexpected saviour

Googled "The Fault In Our Stairs" on accident, was not disappointed

To the guy who said his pen is the best he has ever seen...

Is it the truth?

When I scrape the bottom of my car.

Miss America 1880 vs Miss America 2014

Emo veg comes to the conclusion that the root of the world's problems is that people don't seem to carrot all.

My mom made this awesome cake for me

Nihang Sikh (monk warrior)

Author wrote it as an apology...

Help, I've fallen and I can't get up

Harry Potter talking to Snakes

Hamster Kobayashi

Every single time!!!

The 7 Disney Villains That You’ll Meet In Your Everyday Life

Evolution from Savannah-Cow to Long-Horse.

The subway system bans canines unless they can fit in a small bag, so this guy trained his pit-bull to sit in his bag.