2014. december 31., szerda

My friends say they won't watch it because "it's a kids show"

What do You think

I couldn't agree more

I put up my Festivus pole and found the perfect way to decorate it.

My dog doing his photobomb thing

"8, 7, 6, 5, all crews clear, 4,3, ignition, 2, 1, lift off!"

I'm thinking 2015 will be a better year for me.

Dad award goes to this guy

Remember this gem? Age of Empires

Dammit Frank!

It's really hard making eye contact with him when I see him outside.

The most terrible picture for any German

So I just came home and found my dog laying on the floor like this...

Kung fu master level 99.

Made the news a lot more friendly

Thinking about how Leo still haven't won an Oscar. Well, what about these great guys?


Guy doing a high backflip, what could go wrong?

Someone has to be secretly in love with me, right?

Riddle of the day!

I would choose Rivendell over any other city in the world

No gravity

Identical twins that is

This is deep, I love it.

japanese girls superior

Picture of my hometown today (Rauma, Finland)

Driver pushes cop car off the road in Russia

For f*cking real?

Just gonna leave this here...

Grandpa's WW2 equipment that he took from the Nazis.

Now my parents won't walk in when I'm f*pping. This thing makes it impossible to open the door

When asking my mom about tea.

Golf ball collision at 150mph

Submerged WW2 plane in a lagoon

Can you notice that?

I won't help you cheat, a**hole! Not that kind of girl.


My penis is confused

Quit smoking.

Cosplay gone wrong

They were so little...

11 Years Old

9gagger Pencil case was discovered!

Totally not shopped

Stephen Hawkin! This brilliant man has survived ALS for about 20 years!

Trying to hide a boner be like

Deadpool vs Deathstroke vs Deadshot. Set in an abandoned city. Who would win?

If you do this, please stop. It's disgusting.

My computer is laggy as hell...

Is it? IS IT?!